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Welcome to Dual Tanzania Virtual Community (DTVC)

All Tanzanians in North America are encouraged to join the DTVC community so as to maintain our
Cultures and also increase our growth in our community.

All Tanzanians in the Diaspora can click on the Diaspora registry and register, the information you enter is not shared to any third party agencies but rather kept private for the purpose of knowing who is who and how you can help fellow Tanzanians in the profession in question.

We in the DTVC community also like to extend welcome to those who have not visited Tanzania; by all means you are welcomed. Visit Tanzania and see the natural attractions like Wild lives in Serengeti, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Amboni Caves , Oduvai Gorge and not forgetting the Island of Zanzibar.

Also we encourage those who want to visit Tanzania to register for Swahili classes so you can learn a thing or two about the language by clicking the tab Swahili registry. To those who have been to Tanzania you are also welcome again as we have great new changes which will make you have a greater experience than before.

Again Welcome to our Community as Tanzanians.
Karibu Sana